DUI LAYWER · Berkeley County

Serving all of the Low Country

Berkeley County DUI Defense Lawyer
With 19 Years Legal Experience.
Protect Your Future Today!

Facing a DUI charge in Berkeley County, SC, can be a daunting experience. 

The fear of losing your license, facing hefty fines, or even jail time can make the situation feel overwhelming.

That’s why you need an experienced DUI attorney—someone who understands the intricacies of DUI law and will fight to protect your rights.

Russell Hilton: The DUI Lawyer in Berkeley County You Need

Russell Hilton is a former prosecutor with 19 years of experience in criminal law, including handling DUI cases. 

His unique perspective, gained from working on both sides of the courtroom, makes him a skilled DUI attorney in Berkeley County. 

Whether it’s your first offense or a repeat charge, Russell Hilton knows how to dissect the evidence, form proper defenses, and work to get your charges reduced—or even dismissed.

Having represented countless individuals facing DUI charges in the Tri-County area, Russell Hilton has a proven track record of fighting for clients in and out of the courtroom.

He understands that a DUI conviction can have lifelong consequences, and he works tirelessly to defend you.

HE can help you avoid

  • Jail Time
  • Fines
  • License Suspension
  • Permanent Criminal Record
  • Higher Insurance Premiums
  • Costly Ignition Interlock Devices

DUI Charges in South Carolina

In South Carolina, DUI charges are not all the same. They vary based on the amount of Blood Alcohol Content, the existence of a breath sample, and whether it’s your first, second, or subsequent offense.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

1. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Limits:

  • For drivers over 21, the inferred level is a BAC of 0.08% or higher.
  • Above .10%, the potential fine increases.
  • At .16% and higher, the fines are even higher.

2. Implied Consent Law:

South Carolina has an “implied consent” law, meaning if you drive in the state, you’ve agreed to take a test (breath, blood, or urine) if suspected of DUI. That agreement happens when you apply for a driver’s license. Refusing a test can result in immediate license suspension that may need to be challenged

3. Penalties:

  • First Offense: Fines with costs and assessments between $1,000 – $2,300, mandatory ignition interlock for 6 months, and possible jail time (48 hours to 90 days).
  • Second Offense: Fines with costs and assessments between $3,600 and $14,000, mandatory ignition interlock for 2 years, and 5 days to one year in jail.

4. Aggravating Factors: 

Penalties increase or additional charges may be brought if there are aggravating factors, such as having minors in the vehicle or causing injury.

5. Defenses: 

Defending against a DUI charge might involve challenging the legality of the stop, the accuracy of the breath test, or procedural errors made by the arresting officer.

If you’re facing DUI charges in South Carolina, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced DUI lawyer in Berkeley County who can help you understand your rights and possible defenses.

Top 3 Questions People Have About

DUI Charges in Berkeley County

Can I represent myself in a DUI case?

While it’s possible to represent yourself, it is not advisable. DUI laws are complex, and the prosecution is often highly skilled in handling these cases. They know the rules of evidence, how to argue their case, and how to exclude evidence favorable to you.

Should I plead guilty to a DUI?

Never plead guilty to a DUI without consulting a DUI attorney.

Even in tough cases, there may be ways to reduce or dismiss charges or avoid suspension.

Procedural errors or failure to meet videotaping requirements can weaken the prosecution’s case and improve your chances.

Can a DUI be expunged from my record?

Unfortunately, a DUI conviction in South Carolina cannot be expunged unless the charge is dismissed.

South Carolina law prohibits the expungement of any traffic offenses, including DUI.

This makes it crucial to fight your charges aggressively from the outset.

Why People Choose Russell Hilton

as their berkeley county dui lawyer

Russell Hilton’s experience and dedication make him a formidable advocate. He has handled thousands of criminal cases, and he knows what it takes to fight DUI charges. 

His accomplishments include:

  • Serving as a Senior General Sessions Court prosecutor for the 1st Judicial Circuit.
  • 19 years of successful practice.
  • Trained and Certified with the same training used by Law Enforcement in NHTSA Field Sobriety Testing.
  • Extensive training in DUI defense, criminal law, and trial advocacy.
  • Magna cum laude graduate and top 5 in his law school class, with awards in legal writing and research.

Time Is of the Essence—Contact an Experienced DUI Lawyer in Berkeley County Now

If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Berkeley County, SC, don’t wait to get legal help. The prosecution has already built its case against you. Time can be of the essence.

Russell Hilton and his team are ready to jump into action, ensuring you have a strong defense from the very start. Whether it’s negotiating for a lesser charge or fighting your case in court, Russell will be there every step of the way.

Call 843-376-5524 or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation with DUI attorney Russell Hilton. Together, we will work to protect your rights and your future.

3 STEPS to speak with a 

DUI Lawyer in Berkeley County!

1. Schedule an Appointment

Call (843) 376-5524 or send us an email to setup a time to come into our office or for a telephone meeting.

2. Discuss Your Situation

We’ll discuss the details of your case privately and confidentially, and based on your situation, we will quote a fee for the representation.

3. Decide to Work Together

Together we can decide if we’re a fit and if not, no hard feelings. I am not a fit for all clients and all clients aren’t a fit for me.



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